John of Rolleston Primary School

Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Statement 

At John of Rolleston Primary School, we view the curriculum as the whole school experience, encompassing every moment spent on site or with school staff. The National curriculum forms one part of this wider opportunity for our pupils. The curriculum is organised to enable pupils to gain the relevant skills and meet the expectations for their age. To achieve this, we present learning in a variety of ways which allow pupils to explore, explain and apply their learning in numerous contexts including those that are real and authentic. The curriculum is designed to engage pupils by listening and responding to both their needs and interests as learners and the skills they need to become adept learners. The curriculum is designed to be broad and balanced, allowing children to develop mastery of skills, knowledge and curiosity by developing a depth within learning. All aspects of school life are orientated to develop children’s sense of belonging to our school family, to enable them to become active citizens who can contribute to both school and the wider community. This culminates in an enabling environment which allows pupils to make excellent progress in all subject areas.

The assessment framework is interlinked to the curriculum outcomes and allows pupils to demonstrate and evidence their ability to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes from the curriculum framework.  Find out more about our Curriculum Principles/Statement.

We pride ourselves on having a strong relationship with our parents and an open door policy, which allows our parents to be highly involved in shaping every aspect of their child’s education.


We follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised to deliver high quality phonics lessons and in EYFS and KS1. We support this approach with three reading sessions each week for each pupil using decodable books matched to pupils secure phonic knowledge.

This is a DFE validated programme.


In EYFS and KS1 we match the children’s reading experiences with the stage of phonics they are currently learning. We ensure the children are reading phonetically decodable books using a variety of schemes including Oxford Reading Tree and Pearson Bug Club.


We follow the ‘Can Do’ approach to the teaching of maths, this follows a mastery approach and develops small steps of learning securing understanding for all pupils.

Details of our Curriculum Intent, Implementation, Impact and progress for each subject can be found on the links below:


Intent Progression
Maths Maths
English English
Phonics Phonics
Reading Reading


Year 6 Science Knowledge
Year 5 Science Knowledge
Year 4 Science Knowledge
Year 3 Science Knowledge
Year 2 Science Knowledge
Year 1 Science Knowledge

ICT/Computing ICT/Computing
Geography Geography
History History
Art Art
MFL MFL/French
PSHE PSHE/Happy & Safe
Music Music