As of September 2024, we have 343 pupils on roll.
You can view our admissions arrangements on the Policies and Documents page.
The appeals process for school places in our school is managed by Staffordshire County Council. Dates for appeals will be published as soon as they are made available on the SCC website. If a parent wishes to appeal they should do so as soon as possible. Please click on the following link Staffs County Council Education pages
Virtual Tour
Have a virtual look around our school and find out more about joining our Reception classes here.
Reception admissions
If you would like to apply for your child to attend our school (joining us into a Reception class at the start of an academic year) please contact the Admissions Department at Staffordshire County Council on 0300 111 8000 or via their website.
Non Staffordshire parents should apply through their home Local Authority.
In Year admissions
If you would like to apply for your child to transfer to John of Rolleston Primary then please apply directly to the school by completing an In Year Application Form.
Should you wish to speak to a member of staff about our school or arrange a visit, please contact us.